Uraria picta Overview
For the medicinal purpose the roots, leaves and whole plant is used. Leaves have antiseptic properties. They are used traditionally in the treatment of wounds, genitourinary infections and urinary disorders. The powdered leaves of this plant are used for gonorrhea. The plant is also used in heart troubles. The plant is also used as an antidote against the bites of certain vipers, scorpions.
The roots of the plants have aphrodisiac, the liver protecting, anti-inflammatory (swelling reducing), antithrombotic (reduces the formation of blood clots/thrombi), antimicrobial and anti-diarrheal properties. The roots are used for fracture healing due to its property of accumulation of phosphorous and deposition of calcium.
Medicinal Uses of Uraria picta
The decoction of whole plant is used in diseases due to vitiated blood, gout, bleeding piles, blood dysentery, acute diarrhea alcoholism, insanity, psychosis, cough, bronchitis and difficult breathing. The plant is used for treating fractures.
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8 oz for $24.99
16 oz for $49